Please read the following information before entering
Please familiarise yourself with the rules and other Cross Country & Road information which can be found on our website here
Athlete Eligibility:
*Club registered athletes: All athletes who have registered with a club for the current 2024-2025 season. Unregistered athletes cannot compete at Auckland Championship events.
The following grades will be used for the 2024-2025 season:
Age as at 31st December 2024
U8: athletes aged 7
U10: athletes aged 8 & 9
U12: athletes aged 10 & 11
U14: athletes aged 12 & 13
U16: athletes aged 14 & 15
U18: athletes aged 16 & 17
U20: athletes aged 18 & 19
Senior athletes: aged 20 – 34
Age as at 7th April 2024
Masters athletes: aged 35 & over
Masters 5-year age groups based on date of first Senior League race
***Senior or Masters athletes who are eligible to move up to the next 5-year age grade, MAY choose to compete in this new grade. This allows the athlete to compete for Auckland Cross Country Championship titles in their new grade. This must be done via an email to the office ( It is the athlete's responsibility to ensure that they are entered in the correct grade.
Entry fees:
Club Registered Athletes:
U8, U10, U12, U14 & U16 - $ 7.00
U18 & U20 - $11.00
Senior & Masters - $16.00
Close of Entries:
Entries close at 11.59pm Wednesday 19th June 2024.
Athletics Auckland has a no refund policy.
Entry List:
The entry list will be available on the Athletics Auckland website Friday evening.
Live results will be available on Results will be posted on the Athletics Auckland website after the event.
All entries are subject to approval by the Athletics Auckland Cross Country & Road Committee.
Entry form queries:
Membership queries: