Athletics Auckland Inc

AAI 2024 McKinnon Shield #2

Event Logo
3 Nov 2024
About The Event

***Please read the following information before entering***

Secondary School Athletes: If you are registered with an Auckland athletics club, please enter as an Auckland Club Registered Athlete (or Athletes Registered with other Centres, if registered with a club outside of Auckland).  Auckland athletes will then be asked to select which school they attend.  If your school is not on the list, please select Other and enter the school name when asked.  (This school will be added to the list for the following week.)

McKinnon Shield Rules The full rules for McKinnon Shield meets, the McKinnon Shield club competition and the Auckland Secondary Schools competition can be found on our rules page here


You must be a club registered athlete for the current 2024-2025 season. School athletes (not registered with a club) may compete at this meet.

Grades: Age is taken as at 31st December in the year of competition.

The following grades are eligible to compete at this meet:

U14 athletes aged 12 & 13

U16 athletes aged 14 & 15

U18 athletes aged 16 & 17

U20 athletes aged 18 & 19

Senior athletes aged 20 - 29

Masters athletes aged 30 & over for McKinnon Shield events

**Masters championship events are age on first day of competition i.e. 3rd November. Athletes aged 30+ may choose to compete in Senior Men/Women or the appropriate 5-year age group for the 3000m Championships.  Both options will be available on the entry form.

Entry fee:

Auckland club registered athletes - $11.00

School athletes not registered with a club - $13.00

Club registered athletes from other centres - $15.00

Athletics Auckland has a no refund policy

Close of Entries:

Entries close at 11.59pm Wednesday 16th October. No late entries will be accepted under any circumstances.   Emails requesting late entry will not be answered.

Club Names & Codes:

When asked for your club name (Team Name for Meet Manager) and club code (Team Code for Meet Manager) please copy exactly from the list here 

Qualification Times/Distances:

When entering an event, you will be asked to enter a Qualification Standard. This is your season best or personal best. Please note the Seed Mark format:

Track events: SS.TSHS   e.g.  12.20, 24.73, 51.68, 75.19 MM:SS.TSHS   e.g.   2:09.00, 5:11.10, 15:29.64

Field events: M.CMCM   e.g.   1.65, 4.60 MM.CMCM  e.g.   09.87, 32.56

Athlete Check-In: Athletes must report to the check-in desk no later than 60 minutes prior to the scheduled start time of their first event.

Final Programme:

The final timetable will be confirmed after the close of entries and published on the event page of the Athletics Auckland website on Friday evening. It is the responsibility of each athlete to ensure they are aware of the start time of their event(s). 


U18, U20 and Senior athletes: competition shoes need to comply with World Athletics regulations under Technical Rule 5.  Please be sure to check that your shoes are on the approved list.  You can check on the World Athletics website here.  This list is updated regularly.  Please note that any shoes bought before 1 January 2016 are deemed to meet the technical requirements of Technical Rule 5. 

Field Events:

Athletes will have three trials and the top 8 athletes in each grade will receive a further three trials.  

Personal Implements:

If an athlete wishes to use their own implement for competition they must be presented for inspection at least 1 hour before the start of the competition.

Results: Results will be posted at the track and published on the Track Meet Mobile app. Full results will be published on the Athletics Auckland website after the event. Points for the McKinnon Shield club competition can be found here.  Results will also be available at this link.

All entries are subject to approval by the Athletics Auckland Senior Track and Field Committee.

 Entry queries:

Membership queries:

Choose an Event Product

200m Hurdles - 0.686m (U14)
200m Hurdles - 0.686m (MW70+)
200m Hurdles - 0.686m (MM80+)
300m Hurdles - 0.686m (MW60-69)
300m Hurdles - 0.762m (MW50-59)
300m Hurdles - 0.686m (MM70-79)
300m Hurdles - 0.762m (MM60-69)
400m Hurdles - 0.762m (MW30-49)
400m Hurdles - 0.838m (MM50-59)
400m Hurdles - 0.914m (MM30-49)

About Athletics Auckland Inc

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