World Freestyle Football Association

Pulse Córdoba 2023

Event Logo
30 Aug - 2 Sep 2023
About The Event


El circuito global del Fútbol Freestyle de 2023 viaja a una de las ciudades más vibrantes de Latinoamérica: ¡ Pulse Córdoba, la clasificatoria sudamericana para las Finales del Campeonato Mundial de Fútbol Freestyle, está a la vuelta de la esquina!

📆 Las clasificatorias de esta parada de las Series Pulse tendrán lugar entre el 30 de agosto y 1 de septiembre entre las 10 am y las 5 pm; las Finales tendrán lugar al día siguiente, 2 de septiembre, entre las 12 pm y las 6 pm. ¡Los mejores 6 freestylers (3 mujeres y 3 hombres) se ganarán el derecho a viajar a Nairobi, Kenya para participar en las Finales del Campeonato Mundial de Fútbol Freestyle!

Este Evento Pulse acogerá una competición de batallas 1x1 abierta a todos los y las freestylers de la Américas; habrá dos Eventos Pulse en la región, uno en el norte y otro en el sur, pero ambos estarán abiertos a freestylers de todo el continente. Para asegurar que su país sea elegible para esta competición, los y las freestylers pueden consultar la División Regional de la WFFA. El proceso de registros abrirá el 25 de mayo y cerrará el 25 de agosto; este año no habrá extensiones, así que todos los atletas que no se hayan apuntado al final del periodo de registros no podrán participar.

🏆 Además de las batallas 1x1, este Evento Pulse también incluirá el Torneo Latinoamericano de Freestyle Fútbol, abierto a todos los freestylers de la región y con las siguientes categorías:

  • Rutina: una demostración de habilidad individual en la que un atleta exhibe su calidad en sincronía con la música
  • Doble Rutina: un espectáculo de sincronía en el que dos atletas muestran sus trucos en combinación más increíbles
  • 'Sick Three': una competición para encontrar la mejor combinación de tres trucos seguidos
  • 'Challenge': un desafío en el cual los y las atletas deberán completar una serie de trucos para pasar de ronda; con cada nivel, la dificultad de dichos trucos aumentará. Los participantes solo disponen de un número limitado de intentos. Una categoría diseñada especialmente para los amantes de los 'lowers'
  • 'Show Flow' una exhibición de todas las habilidades del Fútbol Freestyle, conectadas de la forma más perfecta posible, en un espectáculo de solo un minuto
  • 'Iron Man' e 'Iron Woman': una maratón de combinaciones 'lower'. ¡Solo para los y las atletas más duros!
  • Panna 1×1: un partido entre dos jugadores en el cual los goles cuentan... ¡pero los caños lo son todo!

Los y las freestylers podrán elegir a qué competiciones quieren unirse durante el proceso de registro, igual que en el Open Mundial Super Ball. También se ofrecerán opciones de alojamiento en el cercano Hotel Sol de Piedra; los participantes podrán elegir entre habitaciones individuales, dobles o triples a precios rebajados.

📑 La WFFA ha implementado una política de devoluciones para los registros para los Eventos Pulse: los y las atletas que no puedan viajar debido a una razón justificada (por ejemplo, enfermedad, lesión o falta de visado) podrán solicitar la devolución de su inscripción, pero solo antes del 18 de agosto. El comité organizador recomienda a todos los y las atletas que necesiten un visado que soliciten su carta de invitación primero usando el 'widget' disponible en la Página del Evento en la web oficial de la WFFA: una vez se aseguren poder viajar, será más sencillo registrarse como participantes.

Los atletas menores de 18 años podrán participar, pero deberán subir un Formulario de Autorización Paterna convenientemente firmado al final del proceso de registro.



The 2023 global Freestyle Football circuit travels to one of the most vibrant cities in Latin America: Pulse Córdoba, the South American qualifier for the Finals of the World Freestyle Football Championship, is around the corner!

📆 The qualifiers of this instalment of the Pulse Series will take place between August 30th and September 1st between 10 am and 5 pm; the Finals will happen the next day, September 2nd, between 12 pm and 6 pm. The best 6 freestylers (3 males and 3 females) will earn themselves a trip to Nairobi, Kenya to participate in the World Freestyle Football Championship Finals!

This Pulse Event will host a 1x1 battles competition open to all freestylers from the Americas; there will be two Pulse Events in the region, one in the North and one in the South, but both will be open to freestylers from all across the continent. To ensure that their country is eligible for this competition, freestylers can check the official Regional Division of the WFFA. The signups process will open on May 25th and close on August 25st; there will be no extensions, so all athletes who haven’t signed up by the end of the registration period will not be allowed to compete.

🏆 On top of the 1x1 battles, this Pulse Event will also include the Latin American Freestyle Football Tournament, aimed at freestylers from all the region and including the following categories:

  • Routine: a showcase of individual mastery in which an athlete demonstrates their quality alongside their music to impress and entertain.
  • Double Routine: a spectacle of synchrony in which two athletes work together to show their most amazing moves combined.
  • Sick Three: a competition looking for the best combination of 3 consecutive tricks.
  • Challenge: athletes must complete tricks from a criteria list to pass through each round, getting progressively more difficult and a limited number of attempts; specially designed for lovers of fast combinations with the lower body.
  • Show Flow: a showcase of all the skills of Freestyle Football, connected in the most flawless possible way, in a show of a single minute
  • Iron Man & Woman: a marathon in basic lower body combinations and stamina – only for the toughest athletes!
  • Panna 1x1: a match between two players in which goals may count... but nutmegs are everything!

Freestylers will be able to select which competitions they want to join during the registration process, just like with the Super Ball World Open. There will also be accommodation options at the nearby Hotel Sol de Piedra, with participants being able to choose between single, double or triple rooms at discounted rates.

📑 The WFFA has set up a refund policy for registrations for all Pulse Events; athletes who can't travel due to a justified reason (i.e. sickness, injury or denial of travel visa) can ask for their money back, but in the case of the Hiroshima event, only before August 18th. The organising committee strongly recommends all athletes who need a visa to get their invitation letter first using the widget in the Event Page on the WFFA website: once they are cleared to travel, they may sign up as participants.

Athletes under the age of 18 will be allowed to participate, but they will need to upload a signed Parental Form at the end of the registration process.

Choose an Event Product

Pulse Córdoba 2023 - Double Room - August 28th
Book a double room at Hotel Sol de Piedra for the night of August 28th!
Pulse Córdoba 2023 - Triple Room - August 31st
Book a triple room at Hotel Sol de Piedra for the night of August 31st!
Pulse Córdoba 2023 - Participant
Be part of the first Pulse Event in Latin America!
Pulse Córdoba 2023 - Quadruple Room - August 31st
Book a quadruple room at Hotel Sol de Piedra for the night of August 31st!
Pulse Córdoba 2023 - Triple Room
Stay in a triple room at Hotel Sol de Piedra during Pulse Córdoba 2023! You'll be able to select the exact dates of your stay, as well as your preferred roommates, in the next section of the registration process.
Pulse Córdoba 2023 - Triple Room - August 30th
Book a triple room at Hotel Sol de Piedra for the night of August 30th!
Pulse Córdoba 2023 - Sick Three
Join the Sick Three competition at the Latin American Freestyle Football Tournament 2023!
Pulse Córdoba 2023 - Triple Room - September 1st
Book a triple room at Hotel Sol de Piedra for the night of September 1st!
Pulse Córdoba 2023 - Panna 1x1
Join the Panna 1x1 competition at the Latin American Freestyle Football Tournament 2023!
Pulse Córdoba 2023 - Double Room - September 3rd
Book a double room at Hotel Sol de Piedra for the night of September 3rd!
Pulse Córdoba 2023 - Iron Man/Woman
Join the Iron Man or Woman competition at the Latin American Freestyle Football Tournament 2023!
Pulse Córdoba 2023 - Double Room
Stay in a double room at the Hotel Sol de Piedra during Pulse Córdoba 2023! You'll be able to select the exact dates of your stay, as well as your preferred roommate, in the next section of the registration process.
Pulse Córdoba 2023 - Triple Room - September 3rd
Book a triple room at Hotel Sol de Piedra for the night of September 3rd!
Pulse Córdoba 2023 - Routine
Join the Routine competition at the Latin American Freestyle Football Tournament 2023!
Pulse Córdoba 2023 - Double Routine
Join the Double Routine competition at the Latin American Freestyle Football Tournament 2023!
Pulse Córdoba 2023 - Double Room - August 31st
Book a double room at Hotel Sol de Piedra for the night of August 31st!
Pulse Córdoba 2023 - Double Room - September 1st
Book a double room at Hotel Sol de Piedra for the night of September 1st!
Pulse Córdoba 2023 - Triple Room - August 28th
Book a triple room at Hotel Sol de Piedra for the night of August 28th!
Pulse Córdoba 2023 - Visitor
Come enjoy all the action at Pulse Córdoba 2023!
Pulse Córdoba 2023 - Triple Room - August 29th
Book a triple room at Hotel Sol de Piedra for the night of August 29th!
Pulse Córdoba 2023 - Quadruple Room - September 3rd
Book a quadruple room at Hotel Sol de Piedra for the night of September 3rd!
Pulse Córdoba 2023 - Quadruple Room
Stay in a quadruple room at Hotel Sol de Piedra during Pulse Córdoba 2023! You'll be able to select the exact dates of your stay, as well as your preferred roommates, in the next section of the registration process.
Pulse Córdoba 2023 - Triple Room - September 2nd
Book a triple room at Hotel Sol de Piedra for the night of September 2nd!
Pulse Córdoba 2023 - Quadruple Room - September 2nd
Book a quadruple room at Hotel Sol de Piedra for the night of September 2nd!
Pulse Córdoba 2023 - Double Room - September 2nd
Book a double room at Hotel Sol de Piedra for the night of September 2nd!
Pulse Córdoba 2023 - Double Room - August 29th
Book a double room at Hotel Sol de Piedra for the night of August 29th!
Pulse Córdoba 2023 - 1x1 Battles
Join the 1x1 Battles competition at Pulse Córdoba 2023! This event acts as the qualifier for the World Freestyle Football Championship Finals.
Pulse Córdoba 2023 - Show Flow
Join the Show Flow competition at the Latin American Freestyle Football Tournament 2023!
Pulse Córdoba 2023 - Quadruple Room - August 29th
Book a quadruple room at Hotel Sol de Piedra for the night of August 29th!
Pulse Córdoba 2023 - Double Room - August 30th
Book a double room at Hotel Sol de Piedra for the night of August 30th!
Pulse Córdoba 2023 - Quadruple Room - August 28th
Book a quadruple room at Hotel Sol de Piedra for the night of August 28th!
Pulse Córdoba 2023 - Quadruple Room - September 1st
Book a quadruple room at Hotel Sol de Piedra for the night of September 1st!
Pulse Córdoba 2023 - Challenge
Join the Challenge competition at the Latin American Freestyle Football Tournament 2023!
Pulse Córdoba 2023 - Quadruple Room - August 30th
Book a quadruple room at Hotel Sol de Piedra for the night of August 30th!

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