The most competitive and exciting of all Freestyle Football events is back in 2022! This year, the Red Bull Street Style World Final will take place in a unique setting: the Pula Arena, an extraordinary Roman amphitheatre with 2,000 years of history located in the beautiful port city of Pula, in Croatia!
The event will start at 15:30h CET on October 8th, with the doors of the venue opening an hour before to allow attendees enough time to take their seats comfortably.
For more information about the Red Bull Street Style World Final, visit the official Red Bull Street Style website or the Event Page at the World Freestyle Football Association (WFFA) website.
For any further questions, don't hesitate to contact the WFFA team at!
Najuzbudljivije freestyle nogometno natjecanje vraća se u 2022. Ove godine, Red Bull Street Style svjetsko finale održat će se u jedinstvenom ambijentu, pulskoj Areni, izvanrednom rimskom amfiteatru s 2000 godina povijesti!
Događaj će se održati 8. listopada u 15:30 sati po lokalnom vremenu, a vrata se otvaraju sat vremena prije, kako bi se gledateljima omogućilo dovoljno vremena da udobno zauzmu svoja mjesta.
Za više informacija o Red Bull Street Style svjetskom finalu posjetite službenu web stranicu Red Bull Street Style ili stranicu događaja na web stranici World Freestyle Football Association (WFFA).
Za sva dodatna pitanja, kontaktirajte WFFA tim na!